Posts From the yearly archives: "2019"

The compositions in Vera Yurchuk’s paintings have typically been vibrantly abstract, with a strong influence from her travels, antiquity and her love of nature. Still life, celebrating womanhood and her Ukrainian heritage have been notable, recurring themes in her paintings. But in the past few years, as the tumultuous events of the early years…(Read More)

New edition book presentation by author and art historian, Khrystyna Beregovska, from Lviv, Ukraine This new book introduces the pinnacle of the religious art created by the Canadian-Ukrainian artist William Kurelek. The series “The Passion of Christ” is comprised of 160 paintings, which illustrate verse for verse the “Suffering, Death, and Resurrection” of…(Read More)

“Мистецтво зібране серцем” Про мистецьку колекцію Родини Бульчак. Все життя українська родина Лесі та Богдана Бульчак добірно колекціонували, проте ніколи не називали себе колекціонерами. Збирали мистецтво серцем. Назвати їх винятковою родиною у канадсько-українському середовищі другої половини ХХ століття важко, адже вся повоєнна політична імміграція були свідомо проукраїнсько налаштовані і мали за обов’язок підтримувати один одного,…(Read More)

The music collaboration of Oksana Pikush and Taras Brylynskyy has begun almost two years ago. In their performing arts, they turn to moving, inspirational examples of both the world classical and popular music, as well as their native Ukrainian folk and modern romantic and ballad songs. Although, different in style and genre all these musical…(Read More)