Posts From the yearly archives: "2010"

Concerted Efforn


OCTOBER 17 -31, 2010 Art Exhibit CONCERTED EFFORT paintings by Steve Rose and Leonore Johnston Opening reception on Sunday, October 17, 2 to 5 p.m…(Read More)

The author of these works, Yulia Boroday, is an artist from Ukraine. The watercolors and enamels, which art enthusiasts will see, represent an unusual joining of genres, each enhancing and enriching the other. Yulia Boroday is a docent in the Department of Drawing and Painting at the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture. She…(Read More)

Enamel Fairy Tales


September 10 – October 3, 2010 35th fall season launch exhibit “Enamel Fairy Tales” featuring the colourful enamel art and watercolours of Kyiv artist YULIYA BORODAY. Article >>> Opening is on Friday, September 10 at 7:30 p.m. The artist will be present.…(Read More)

Art Gala Forum


JUNE 13 – JUNE 27, 2010 Art Gala Forum is pleased to present its Second Annual Exhibit at KUMF Gallery. Opening is on Sunday, June 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. This spring show and sale features the works of visual artists from Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay and Canada. Art Gala Forum was founded in…(Read More)

May 16 – June 6, 2010 An art exhibit featuring the paintings and sculptures by Montreal artist Oleg Dergachov. Opening is on Sunday, May 16 @ 3:00 p.m. The artist will be present at the opening…(Read More)

March 21 – April 11, 2010 “REFLECTIONS – 50 YEARS OF CREATIVITY” A retrospective exhibition of the works of Pavlo Lopata. Opening reception: Sunday, March 21 @ 3pm Guest speaker, art historian Halyna Kostiuk Artist’s Page >>&gt…(Read More)