Posts From the yearly archives: "2012"

DESEMBER 7 – 23, 2012 Art Exhibit by John Lasruk “Painting the City in Watercolour” Opening: Friday, December 7, at 7pm John Lasruk has been a professional artist for more then fourty years. A graduate of the Ontario College of Art, he has been an illustrator, a professional photographer, a graphic designer and now, a painter…(Read More)

NOVEMBER 23 – 24, 2012 KUMF Gallery’s Annual CHRISTMAS BAZAAR “Under the Christmas Tree” Opening night: Friday, November 23 at 7 p.m. enjoy a special informal fashion presentation and sale of outerwear. Bring your holiday shopping list. Choose from an assortment of unique gift items: artwork, sculptures, ceramics, one-of-a-kind jewellery, specialty…(Read More)

NOVEMBER 11 – 25, 2012 Valeriy & Marita Vaskov Exhibition (first time in Canada) Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 3 pm SNAP Bloor West >>> Valeriy Vaskov’s passion for art started early, and his journey began in 1963 when he attended the College of Applied Arts in Vyzhnytsya, Ukraine. After more formal training…(Read More)

OCTOBER 20 – NOVEMBER 4, 2012 Ukrainian Association of Visual Artists of Canada and Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundation cordially invite you to the opening of Annual Fall Art Exhibition on October 20th, at 7pm…(Read More)

ART EXHIBIT “Prairie Dreamscapes: Re-Imagining Our Roots” Opening: Friday, September 14th, 2012 at 7pm Refreshments will be served The 120th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada was the inspiration for the juried exhibit Prairie Dreamscapes: Re-Imagining Our Roots. Jurors Sofia Skrypnyk, Allison Argy Burgess, and Shannon Moore Foster selected works from each of…(Read More)

JUNE 8 – 24, 2012 “INTO THE 21st CENTURY” A mosaic of landscapes and portraits by American artist HEATH BARTEL Opening: Friday, June 8 at 7pm Heath Bartel is a contemporary artist and art educator from the Buffalo area. He holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University at Buffalo, and has lectured at…(Read More)

KUMF Gallery invites you to the opening of “DIVERSITY ART EXHIBITION” ─ Views of Nature and Still life by Nacho Cartagena – sculptor, Marta Alvarez – aquarellist Josephine Latorre – watercolor and oil artist Opening:Sunday, March 4 from 2- 5 p.m. View this exclusive art exhibit to the music of the pianist Jorge Podgaiz Show…(Read More)

Pysanky-Then & Now


FEBRUARY 24 – 29, 2012 JOIN US at KUMF Gallery for rare opportunity to see the original Pysanky from the private collections up close, examine the details and symbols of individual pieces… Opening: Sunday, 26th, 3 p.m. Workshops: February 24 to 29, 2012…(Read More)

“Ніколи досхочу вишневим цвітом Намилуватися не міг…” написав японський поет понад вісім століть назад. На виставці Наталки Валенюк можна милуватися буйноцвіттям найрізноманітніших дерев і квітів і так само, як і поет у давнину, не мати того досить. Виставка “Сад прихованих мрій” хоч і є ретроспективною, проте не приурочена до жодної “круглої” дати. Художниця відчула потребу…(Read More)