A Laughing Master from the East. Roman Zuzuk’s paintings please people, but not with beauty. His paintings are like old friends, we do not care whether their looks are perfect, but we love listening to them talking. In fact, Zuzuk is not at all involved in the creation of beauty as an end in…(Read More)
ART EXHIBITION by members of theUKRAINIAN ASSOCIATION of VISUAL ARTISTS of CANADA / USOMOPENING RECEPTION WITH USOM ARTISTS IN ATTENDANCE: Sunday, September 22, 2024 – 2 pm at the KUMF Gallery The Ukrainian Association of Visual Artists of Canada (USOM) was founded in 1955 – 1956 by the arts activists Mykhailo Dmytrenko, Bohdan Stebelsky and Ivan…(Read More)
“The DAWN” – is a unique and poignant documentary art photo project by Youry Bilak, dedicated to the children of Ukraine.Youry Bilak, renowned Ukrainian photographer (Paris, France), portrayed the children of Ukraine in places of significance to their families, which were destroyed by russia.This fundraising exhibit has an important goal of drawing the world…(Read More)
EVERY MONDAY – STARTING SEPTEMBER 16 – DECEMBER 16, 2024, 6:30 – 8:30 PM UCAF – KUMF Gallery is offering Art Classes for Newcomers in a fun and supportive environment encouraging young artists the freedom to explore their potential, build confidence and strengthen self-esteem, and develop artmaking and critical thinking skills. Developing healthy communication skills…(Read More)
Admission by donation. All costs will be donated to support Ukraine. “STOLEN LIFE” – is a unique and poignant documentary art project by Ukrainian art producer, writer and a volunteer Darina Dorogan in collaboration with the renowned photographer Oleksandr Zinevich.War is a great equalizer. What is left when everything is lost? Our world is suffering…(Read More)
Літературно-музичка композиція “ЛЮДИ ЗІ СТАЛІ”Розповідь про героїв Маріуполя Оксани Гурської під музичний авторський супровід піаністки Ольги Попової в рамках фотовиставки “ОЧІ МАРІУПОЛЯ” Інформація про учасниківАвтор ОКСАНА ГУРСЬКАНародилася пів століття тому на Запоріжжі. В її жилах тече кров запорізьких козаків і німецьких колоністів. Тому в її віршах багато степового простору, безмежжя Азовського моря, південного вітру, спекотного…(Read More)
Ukrainian Canadian Art Foundation / KUMF Gallery present photo exhibit based on a book by Anastasia Dmytruk “EYES of MARIUPOL” Opening: Friday, June 7, 2024 – 7pm at the KUMF Gallery. Remarks by Oksana Gurska. “ОЧІ МАРІУПОЛЯ”Фото-виставка, що експонується в країнах світу, на основі однойменної книги, зібраної Анастасією Дмитрук.Проєкт присвячений захисникам міста Маріуполя та Азовсталі…(Read More)
Opening reception: Friday, May 10, 2024 – 7 pm at the KUMF Gallery. Do not miss this great opportunity to purchase significant works by Ukrainian and Canadian artists…(Read More)